Erddig Snowdrops

This weekend's fun was to go to Erddig in Wales, it was a good day for it, even though it didn't appear so when we set out, it was so misty that seeing anything would have been a miracle. Still it's a pleasant enough place and after a walk around the house, it was a trip to the gardens which still looked good despite it being winter, though I think we will have to come back when the limes are out because I have never heard of this before, but all the lime trees are pleached, which apparently means they are joined together to make a hedge. I have never heard of it before, which is no surprise because Im not much of a fan of anything gardeny, though after moving to our current address, I have started learning some of the names of the trees and bushes that we have, in fact I do like it when the Magnolia flowers, that's a sight to see in the sun. Apart from that though and a fondness for a few other items in the garden, I know relatively little.
Still the snowdrops were out in full flower, so I thought that it was an ideal time to get a snap of one of them. After this we headed off to walk around the country park and visited the Cup and Saucer and were left wondering how it all worked, despite there being an information board there, it turns out there are better explanations for who a Ram Pump works online, so that was a 2 minute Google. Other than that we visited the motte and bailey, which looked a little like a hill really, and then it was back home to unsuccessfully find somewhere to eat on the way home because it was Sunday and everything was closed.