Germanicuses Arc

Off to Saintes today, a little closer to "home" and less in it to be honest. We actually went there for the amphitheater which looks like a work in progress even after over 1500 years since the Roman civilization bit the dust, and absolutely no Pink Floyd, what is the world coming to. Still it was interesting to find out what barbaric acts went on there.
After that we headed into Saintes for a look at the cathedera which was alright, nothing special, perhaps I was having one of those days. But this arc was interesting and something I only knew was here when we drove in. On the journey in there were signs of places to see along the route and this was one of them. Apparently this is not where it was originally built. It was moved 15 meters due to work on the quay. It's a weird arc in as much as some of it seems to have aged better than other bits, unless of course it was deigned that way, anyway it's an impressive celebration of Germanicus.