It's Quite Dishy

I just admit, there never seems to be much at Jodrell Bank the last few times I have been, but this time it was OK and there was a new Space Dome that was showing half hour films which we went to see and it was really impressive, in fact they are showing films in the space dome, and I would recommend the film Moon as it’s just excellent, and of course the Matrix is rather good too. They run from the 25th of Jan ro the 23rd of February 2025, so only limited. I’m not sure I had the right seating position as I think I’d get a crick in my neck after more than an hour, still it’s worth trying it out for £10, just make sure you get a seat in the middle and as far to the back as possible.
Anyway, back to the pic. We went there just to get out of the house and just as we got there the dish started turning and I got what I think is a pretty good snap of it. The problem with this time of year it’s all overcast so everything is bright and dull at the same time, which seems weird but it’s true, the light is just never good enough, hence why i monochromed the image, there was no choice, but it was nice that the dish posed for us.
One thing that it did do is, after going around the Astronomy Photo Awards, it did remind me of a few projects that I would like to do, such as the beer can pinhole camera to track the sun’s path during the year, as well as taking a long photo of the stars to get them to trace out their path. Doubtless I shall want to do these as long as I remember and never do then. Only to be reminded that I have not done them later.