One Off the To Do List

One Lancaster, tick

6/2/20231 min read

I finally knocked one of my To Do list, not that I have a long list of things that I want to take, just a list in the back of my mind that I can’t conjure up at will that I want to take. If you haven’t guessed the To Do list ticked was to get a picture of a Lancaster Bomber. The other To Do list item only one that comes to mind is that I want to get pictures of all the remaining Concordes. I think there are 18, in fact, I thought there were 14 but I suspect since there were 20 made and because -per mile- it was the safest aircraft on earth -until it crashed that is- it should not be a surprise that 18 still exist.

Anyway, back to the point. I have wanted to take a picture of a Lancaster for some time, probably since the first Lancaster illuded me and it’s been an obsession since the second one did.

The first one was an accident. I was walking in Chatsworth and had no knowledge that a Lancaster was going to go over. Not enough time to get my camera out I just watched it. So when it came around for a second time I could have kicked myself.

The second one was where I knew it was going to fly around Yorkshire that day, but rather than hunt it down we went to Derwent Valley for a walk (where they tested the bouncing bomb). I was just a little too slow, I heard the engines, but rather than react, I wanted to see it first. Big mistake. It didn’t come around for a second pass.

So, when I found that it would fly over the leaden grey skies of Stockport, I was in.

Perhaps that’s just added another thing to my To Do list, which is to get a good picture of a Lancaster Bomber.