Peep oh

We have been so busy this weekend, there has been no time for taking pictures, so this is all the way back in June when we visited Barrow-in-Furnace and on the last day we went to South Walney Nature Reserve where they had a few bird boxes on the outside of the hut at the start of the reserve. They were busy boxes so this really isn't much of a right place at the right time moment because you just had to wait and keep still and after a few minutes a bird would arrive from one direction or another to go in or come out of the bird box. It's possible there's a matter of luck in it, in that as on another day the boxes might not have been busy, but still, it was a sight to see.
The walk around the reserve was fun, especially if you like birds, and even better if you like seeing Piel Castle (for some strange reason I am fascinated with) and seals. Of course if you don't like any of that them don't bother. The island (which I have no idea what the name of it is) has a massive British Aerospace factory on the entrance, though it's a boat yard and it also has an airfield on the north part of the island and further down is a housing estate which I find is strange for a nature reserve. Despite that, the neighbours seem to rub along quite well together.
Mind you I wish I'd have seen the airfield when we went. It would have been good to go for a visit.