Pottering About

Finally god out this weekend, I mean we were out yesterday but less said about that the better, but it involved a long drive to a not so interesting place, well, I would have been more interested if I was 40 years younger.
Middleport Pottery was the target today and just like us we got there after all of the events had finished over the Easter period, we also got there as the place opened, which is sort of so like us, but it was nice to walk around the place by ourselves.
I'm sure I could have got some nice pictures if it wasn't overcast and raining, but I did my best.
It's an interesting museum which surprisingly enough is all about pottery and how used to be made. With one of the last few (47 apparently) bottle kilns left in Stoke, you can actually look inside and get an idea of what it might be like to work. Apparently they used to have 7 bottle kilns and as with the price of progress 6 of them have been demolished with the last one only surviving because it was built into the building itself.
It's worth a visit and I'm sure it would be even to walk by the canal when it's not raining, so it was worth getting to the cafe where it was warm and they had traditional Stoke oatcakes.