Spooney and Friends

This handsom chap is a Spoonbill at Martin Mere WWT. Spooney here was flying around putting a pretty good display and despite all of tat I was unable to get a good picture until he landed because my camera just decided to take an age to focus. Luckily he took pity on me and landed and also walked slowly towards the hide so my camera could keep up.
Martin Mere is worth a trip out, if you like birds, if you're not that bothered or hate birds then you are better giving a wide berth. We were there because of a bird that my Mrs was after seeing, but I have no idea what it was, I was only half listening to the news when it was on.It turns out they come to Martin Mere for Iceland because of the warmer weather, or more correctly the weather in Iceland is getting more harsh so they head off to warmer climes.
Last time I was here was in the summer and it was nice to walk around the reed bed in the heat and just observe all the sights and sounds around. Today there seemed to be someone doing some sort of aerobatics in a small prop plane, but it was hard to work out what was going on as it was difficult to spot the plane most of the time. Still it was a good day out and well worth a look if you're in the area.