

2/2/20252 min read

Walkies was on the cards today and I’ll be honest my legs were not expecting it which was quite annoying because I assumed the cycling that I have been doing might have prepared my muscles for this, which will prompt anyone reading this to think “Well you are probably using different muscles”, which is such a mum thing to say.

Anyway, it was destination Chatsworth with free parking no less, which was better than the time we turned up and didn’t know the Christmas markets were on to find a £20 charge just to park the car.

Despite the fact that some of Chatsworth was being restored and so was closed, we didn;t care too much, we were off for a walk. However we were there when the hunt was on, not that I know what they were hunting. It was a pity I was not in the right place at the right time and didn’t get any pictures of the hunt. Despite not being that way inclined I do have a fondness for horses in some ways. I mean I did spend 6 months of one summer learning to ride them, mainly because my mum wanted to and she wanted someone to go with and so I thought why not. During that time I found a health distrust of them because I believed that their issue was huge power and little brain, a shocking combination. Despite that I still have a soft spot for them. Yes I don’t make any sense.

Anyway on our walk there was this, which I have tried to find on the internet and found not much to be honest, other than it was part of a Burning Man art thing at Chatsworth. When I looked online about it I think I went to it, but I don’t remember this one, though I remember others at the event. Of course I’ll be shown to be an idiot when I find pictures of this when I search my photos.

Of course one thing about taking pictures at this time of the year is that it’s often assumed that the lighting is awful as it’s bright and stark, but I think that can make a good photo. I also opted for the default when dealing with wood, monochrome, it brings out noth the wood grain and the sky, what more can you ask for.